CondoVive Security:

SSL (Secure Socket Layer)

It is a protocol that indicates to users that the website they are accessing is protected so they can enter their personal data safely. Thanks to protocol SSL the information that is sent between user - receiver and vice versa travels encrypted, in such a way that it can only be identified by the person who is using the browser and the destination server for that person.

We provide the infrastructure

We provide the IT infrastructure to help you manage your information from your browser window. CondoVive works under the SaaS scheme (Software as a Service) which means the software is offered as a service, this implies thatthe information is always yours.

Encrypted passwords

All passwords on CondoVive are encrypted with a one-way hashing algorithm and neither CondoVive staff nor administrators have the authorization to see or modify their users' passwords.

Servers on the U.S.A

For greater security of your information in terms of its storage, it is hosted on contracted servers in the US.

Daily backups

Your information is very important for us, that's why we back up all your data every day. In this way, if any data is corrupted due to a capture error or a system error, we can return your entire account to a particular date.

Constant improvement and updates

The CondoVive team has a continuous improvement methodology to review its infrastructure and information protection processes and methodologies. Including a bug bounty program, pen-testing, as well as recurring training for our engineering and customer support staff.